Why subscribe?

Love the power of storytelling? So do we - all kinds of stories, from stories about elite athletes to creative gurus, to ones about famous figures and everyday people.

Each issue we’ll create one ridiculously long headline, throw in three unrelated stories, mix them all together, and show you the one common insight and takeaway they all share. Each issue focusses on creativity, culture, and communication.

You’ll be slightly entertained and become a little more educated - all by the power of storytelling (and by hitting the ‘Subscribe Now’ button below, of course).

Let’s go.

What’s the deal with the number 3?

We are big fans of the number 3 around here. The newsletter is called the3mix, after all.

Not only will you get 3 unique stories each issue, we’ll also send each issue out on the 3rd, 13th, and 23rd of each month - around 3:33 PM EST.

But wait, there’s more: we’ll also lead off each newsletter with a 3 word quote and end each issue with 3 recommendations.

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You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

Let’s go! Subscribe below!

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Subscribe to the3mix

1 unreasonably lengthy headline + 3 unique stories = 1 common takeaway on creativity, culture, and communication (delivered on the 3rd, 13th, and 23rd of every month)
